hg8868皇冠下载 takes actions to manage the risks of cyber threats and vulnerabilities to protect its network from cyber attacks, 仔细管理数据, 并保护电网的可靠性.
The CDP collects and manages the largest global collection of self-reported climate change, 水和森林风险数据. 请参阅 CDP网站 查看我们的年度回复.
皇冠现金盘公司致力于提供安全, 可靠的, 负担得起的, 清洁能源,同时保护自然资源,规划未来. hg8868皇冠下载 furthers this mission through various business practices and procedures, 环境管理体系(EMS). EMS通过许可证和许可证来通知, 除此之外, 包含了皇冠现金盘公司的义务要求. hg8868皇冠下载’s implementation of the processes in its EMS ensures we comply with all regulatory requirements and agreements with 状态 and federal resource agencies, 地方政府, 和部落, 同时成功管理环境风险.
皇冠现金盘公司重视其EMS, which undergirds its 环境al Compliance and 环境al Affairs Departments, and the senior managers who oversee the EMS through these departments report directly to an executive officer of hg8868皇冠下载. 透过它们,我们的特快专递服务:
- Strategically develop goals to meet environmental and operational objectives consistent with resource allocations
- 识别法律和法规要求, 清楚地描述角色和职责, 制定特定任务的程序,以满足所有许可证和执照的要求
- Help ensure our compliance activities are consistent with hg8868皇冠下载’s environmental compliance policy
- Track and evaluate hg8868皇冠下载’s environmental risks and impacts as part of our overall risk management
- 创建内部工具和控制以支持遵从性
- 设计报告协议, 内部审计, 过程改进, and feedback to improve synergy between our operations and environmental departments
- Support timely reporting, coordination, and documentation with an emphasis on transparency
- 及时对我们的环境计划和合规更新进行内部培训
- Spur asset protection, adaptive operations, and overall planning related to a changing climate
IDACORP和皇冠现金盘公司的员工中都没有子女. hg8868皇冠下载 restricts hiring anyone under the age of 18 for 安全-sensitive or Commercial Driver’s License-required positions. 皇冠现金盘公司和IDACORP没有18岁以下的员工.
IDACORP有强有力的政策来促进多元化的劳动力, 尊重他人的工作环境,防止骚扰. IDACORP希望承包商遵守所有适用的法律法规, 包括, 但不限于, 与环境有关的, 安全, 就业, 人权, 还有童工法.
The company makes 就业 decisions (包括 apprenticeship 培训) without regard to race; color; religion; sex; gender identity; sexual orientation; pregnancy; national origin; age; disability; genetic information; protected veteran status and/or military service; or any other classification protected by federal, 状态, 或地方法律和条例. Equal 就业 opportunity (EEO) is an integral part of hg8868皇冠下载’s operating philosophy, and our management is dedicated to ensuring the fulfillment of this policy with respect to hiring; placement; promotion; transfer; demotion; layoff; termination; recruitment advertising; pay; and other forms of compensation, 培训, 以及就业期间的一般待遇.
使我们的运作尽可能具有成本效益, 同时做对环境最有利的事, 是双赢的. 这就是我们尽可能回收、再利用和减少浪费的原因. Items not deemed reusable by the company are either re-purposed or recycled for revenue, 在可能的情况下.
材料类型 | 重量(磅) |
纸 | 144,100 |
纸板 | 17,225 |
木 | 66,147 |
用过的变压器油和机油 | 224,736 |
铅酸电池 | 55,011 |
电子产品(电脑、复印机等.) | 18,287 |
不受管制的土壤碎片和不易碎的石棉 | 74,454 |
金属 | 2,157,409 |
Our TransTest team receives used distribution transformers after they have been removed from service. 物料搬运工会进行初步检查,看看这些设备是否可以翻新. 可以翻新的单元被保存, and the units that are not are drained of oil and sent to Investment Recovery for recycling. The oil from each transformer is checked to ensure it contains less than 1 parts per million (ppm) of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB). The used oil goes into the recovery tank and is treated with Ethanox and circulated through the Vacudyne system to remove any moisture. 治疗后, it is tested for the dielectric properties to ensure it is within specification of 32 to 50 kilovolt-amperes (kVa). This process allows hg8868皇冠下载 to reuse transformers and oil instead of disposing of the transformers and replacing with new. Ensuring maximum use of the product means less waste and a cost savings to hg8868皇冠下载 customers. 我们的TransTest员工每年翻新多达2,000台变压器!
皇冠现金盘公司负责管理损坏的电线杆, 按当地规定更换零件和报废设备等废弃物, 州和联邦法规. 配电杆被车辆或天气损坏的情况下, 更换杆,更换损坏的杆, 与其设备(变压器), 绝缘体, 开关, 等.),被运送到我们在博伊西的投资回收设施. 然后我们评估零件的维修和/或重用.
皇冠现金盘公司定期参与公共政策讨论, 倡导影响客户和业主成本的各种利益, 安全, 服务的可靠性和我们对环境的责任, 我们的员工和我们的社区. 我们自愿的, non-partisan employee political action committee (IDA-PAC) participates in the political process through contributions to candidate campaigns, other political action committees and ballot measure campaigns in compliance with applicable laws. Those contributions are made in furtherance of the company’s interests and without regard to the personal political preferences of our directors, 高管或员工. 所有这些活动每年都由管治/提名委员会审查.
安全第一是皇冠现金盘公司的核心价值观. The company’s goal is to maintain an injury-free work environment and to protect the 安全 of its employees, 顾客及公众. 安全 is each employee’s responsibility and is always more important than the work being performed.
All employees are required to comply with the company’s 安全 policy and standards. 具体来说,员工应该遵守以下几点:
- 遵守适用的安全规则, 法律法规, 包括职业安全与健康管理局(OSHA).
- 遵守公司的各项规定 安全标准.
- 停止工作,质疑无法预见的危险.
- 当安全问题出现时,向他们的领导或负责的员工直言不讳.
- Report willful or repeated violations of the company’s 安全 policies and report general disregard for established safe work practices or employee or public 安全.
The company maintains an Executive 安全 Committee to ensure implementation of these 安全 policies and to assess and update them as needed.
hg8868皇冠下载 does not operate in a High Baseline Water Stress area or an Extremely High Baseline Water Stress area. 使用 世界资源研究所的水风险地图集爱达荷州电力公司的服务区域位于低和中低水压力地区.
皇冠现金盘公司和其他多家实体从斯内克河流域取水. 解决对可用地下水和地表水的影响, hg8868皇冠下载 implements a successful weather modification program in the Snake River Basin. The company partnered with an existing program in the upper Snake River Basin and has cooperatively expanded the existing weather-modification program, 以及预报和气象数据支持. In 2014, 皇冠现金盘公司将其人工降雨计划扩展到博伊西和伍德河流域, 与流域用水用户和爱达荷州水资源委员会合作,. 木河播云, 以及蛇河上游的活动, will benefit the Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer (ESPA) Comprehensive Aquifer Management Plan (CAMP) implementation through additional water supply. 这些努力正在进行中.